Saturday, February 5, 2022

Little Red Flags


Destiny shows us who is and who is not supposed to be

Starting with the little red flags popping up before me

But my stubborness and pride pretend not to or refuse to see

I ignore the warnings of the little reg flags sent to me by destiny

Destiny doesnt stop revealing why you should let certain people go.

 The little red flag warnings are harder to ignore as the fury to show you the warnings grow

But my naiveté or my ignorance tells myself I can handle dealing with what I already know

 So no matter how big the little red flags get I am blinded by spirit of my boldness or ego

Destiny continues to send warnings and the little red flags are now waving in my face

My eyes are finally open and my heart is broken from shameful disgrace

I am embarrassed that I failed to see or refused to learn from the past that I embrace

Thankful for Persistance of Destiny to save me from myself and to find my safe place. 

Destiny and the little red flags are really your best friend

Always looking out for you and work together to defend

I have learned to listen and watch carefully for every little warning they send

This is so I can tell which relationships to keep and which I should end.