Thursday, October 3, 2013

Prince Charming

Prince Charming is just another frog in the pond
Don't fall for the fairy tale of the heroic blond
Those flashy clothes and handsome good looks
Just the type they lie about in children's books
He promises you the world and sweeps you off your feet
All his words so attentive, loving and sweet
Promises to carry you away to far away places
It's amazing how they snare us with their straight faces
What I'm trying to say is enough fairytales
Believe in what he does not what he sells
Remember if it sounds to good to be true
It most likely is and will leave you feeling blue
It is best to be independent and self sustainable
love yourself, find happiness in self and still be attainable
Leave the Prince Charming in the fairytale book
Give the frogs in the pond a second look
Yes, men are all frogs some better than others
Make sure they have their own logs and don't need replacement mothers
Make sure his words are honest and true
Make sure he is saying them to only you
Never give up the person you are
Remember these things and your love can go far.